Recently we have noticed that routers with inbuilt security such as Trendmicro or Bitdefender had automatically started blocking the streams from working. In order to resolve this issue please log into your router and deactivate your security software. If there is...
Canada iptv works on any device where you can input a portal url to connect to an iptv service providers server. Natively Devices such as the Formuler Z series, dreamlink, Buzz, Envision and such other devices support the service. If you are unsure if this is...
Please note this is a gist of the setup instructions DEtaisl setup info can be found on SMART STB website Step 1: From the app market on your smart tv search, find and install Smart STB App. After that, we can initiate the time for testing. To do that we first need...
We are currently in the process of testing our platform with Smart STb that comes preinstalled on Lg Tv’s. Currentlty it seems promising however we do not want to get everyones hopes high with any information that might not necessarily pan out. People have asked...
Canada Iptv works on “almost all devices” – that is true for any android based device that either comes with supported software that allows you to enter a url or a device on which you can install stb emulator. Please take the time to read the...